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Best to handle Immigration Issues

2 Aug 2010

Q. Which leader and party do you trust most to handle immigration issues?

  Total Vote Labor Vote Liberal/ National Vote Greens
Tony Abbott and the Liberal Party 35% 6% 83% 9%
Julia Gillard and the Labor Party 23% 50% 3% 27%
No difference 31% 35% 11% 56%
Don’t know 10% 9% 3% 8%

 Overall, Tony Abbott and the Liberal Party are trusted most to handle immigration issues (35% to 23%). 31% think there is no difference between the major parties on immigration.

 83% of Liberal/National voters trust Tony Abbott and the Liberal Party most and 50% of Labor voters trust Julia Gillard and the Labor Party. 56% of Greens voters think there is no difference.
