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Catholic Schools

30 May 2017

Q. The Catholic school sector is opposing the proposed changes to education funding announced in the federal budget, arguing that some Catholic schools will receive less money under this model. Do you think the new funding model will leave Catholic schools worse off?

  Total   Vote Labor Vote Lib/Nat Vote Greens Vote other
Yes, Catholic schools will be worse off under the new funding model 20% 27% 20% 19% 15%
No, Catholic schools will not be worse off under the new funding model 38% 31% 47% 36% 43%
Don’t know 42% 43% 33% 45% 42%


20% thought that Catholic school would be worse off under the proposed funding model. Those most likely to think this were those aged 18-24 (27%) and ALP voters (27%).

38% thought that Catholic schools would not be worse off under the proposed funding model. Those most likely to think this were those aged 65+ (58%) and Liberal/National voters (47%).

A plurality of 42% did not know whether Catholic schools would be worse off under the proposed new funding model.
