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Changing Racial Discrimination Act

28 Mar 2017

Q. The Racial Discrimination Act makes it an offence to “intimidate, humiliate, offend or insult” someone because of their race or ethnicity. It has been proposed to replace the words “humiliate, offend or insult” with “harass”. This means it will be unlawful to  “harass or intimidate” someone because of their race or ethnicity but not unlawful to “humiliate, offend or insult”. Do you approve or disapprove of this change?

  Total   Vote Labor Vote Lib/Nat Vote Greens Vote other
Total approve 45%   45% 58% 32% 45%
Total disapprove 34%   41% 27% 50% 33%
Strongly approve 14%   14% 17% 9% 18%
Approve 31%   31% 41% 23% 27%
Disapprove 19%   17% 20% 28% 19%
Strongly disapprove 15%   24% 7% 22% 14%
Don’t know 20%   15% 15% 18% 22%


45% approved of changing the Racial Discrimination Act and 34% opposed.

58% of Liberal/National voters approve, 50% of Greens votes disapprove and Labor voters were split 45% approve/41% disapprove.

53% of respondents aged 65+ approved and 39% of those with university education disapproved.
