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Domestic violence

6 Oct 2015

Q: Thinking about the issue of domestic violence, would you say it is an issue that typically:

  Total   Vote Labor Vote Lib/Nat Vote Greens Vote Other
Can affect people like me and people I know well 62% 66% 61% 64% 64%
Probably doesn’t affect people like me and people I know well 27% 26% 30% 30% 26%
Don’t know 11% 8% 9% 6% 11%

62% think that the issue of domestic violence can affect people like me and people I know well and 27% think it probably doesn’t.

Those most likely to think it can affect people like them were women (70%) and those with dependent children (67%).

32% of men and 36% of those aged 55+ think it probably doesn’t affect people like them.
