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Government responsibilities

26 Apr 2017

Q. Which of the following should be mainly the responsibility of the Federal Government and which should be mainly the responsibility of the State Governments – or should they have equal responsibility?

  Mainly Federal Mainly State Both


Don’t know
Constructing new roads and highways 17% 29% 44% 10%
Investing in public transport 10% 45% 36% 8%
Improving the health system 36% 11% 47% 7%
Improving the education system 30% 14% 48% 7%
Managing mining projects and mining profits 35% 19% 34% 11%
Investing in regional areas 16% 33% 42% 8%
Managing the environment 28% 11% 53% 8%
Managing our water resources 21% 18% 52% 8%
Addressing climate change 35% 6% 48% 11%
Industrial relations issues 36% 14% 40% 10%
Reliable and affordable electricity and gas supply 27% 17% 48% 8%
Housing affordability 25% 18% 49% 9%

45% think that investing in public transport is mainly the responsibility of state governments, and 35% think that managing mining projects and mining profits is mainly the responsibility of the federal government. For all other responsibilities, the largest proportion think that responsibility should be shared equally between state and federal government.
