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Interest in Olympic Games

16 Aug 2016

Q. How much interest are you taking in the Olympic Games being held In Rio?

  Total Vote Labor Vote Lib/Nat Vote Greens Vote other Men Women Aged 18-34 Aged 35-54 Aged 65+ Aug 2012
A lot of interest 19% 22% 21% 17% 13% 21% 16% 19% 20% 18% 22%
Some interest 33% 31% 43% 23% 27% 33% 33% 37% 30% 33% 36%
A little interest 30% 30% 29% 37% 29% 30% 31% 28% 32% 30% 27%
No interest 17% 16% 8% 23% 31% 15% 20% 15% 18% 19% 14%
Don’t know 1% * 1% 1% 1%

52% say they have some or a lot of interest in the Olympic games. 47% have little or no interest.

This is less interest than the London Olympics when 60% said they had a lot or some interest.

Those most interested were aged 18-34 (56%), full-time workers (60%) and university educated (60%).
