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Leadership change

5 Dec 2017

Q. If the Liberal Party changed their leader before the next election, would this make you more likely or less likely to vote for the Liberal Party?

  Total   Vote Labor Vote Lib/Nat Vote Greens Vote other
More likely to vote for the Liberal Party 18%   12% 29% 14% 16%
Less likely to vote for the Liberal Party 13%   16% 16% 7% 7%
Make no difference 54%   60% 46% 68% 64%
Don’t know 15%   12% 9% 11% 13%


If the Liberal Party changed their leader before the next election, 18% say they would be more likely to vote for them, 13% less likely and 54% say it would make no difference.

Among Liberal/National voters, 29% say they would be more likely to vote for them, 16% less likely and 46% say it would make no difference.
