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Opinion of new coal mines

13 Feb 2018

Q. If it goes ahead, the Adani mine would be the first of nine coal mines in the Galilee Basin in Central Queensland. Which of the following statements is closest to your view?

  Total   Vote Labor Vote Lib/Nat Vote Greens Vote other
Allow all mines to go ahead subject to environmental approvals 13%   13% 17% 11% 9%
Independently assess each mine proposal on its economic and environmental merit 48%   50% 58% 25% 49%
Ban expansion of coal mines in the Galilee Basin altogether 22%   25% 15% 46% 30%
Don’t know 16%   12% 10% 18% 12%


48% think that any new mine should be assessed on its economic and environmental merit, 22% think coal mining in the Galilee basin should be banned and 13% think all mines should go ahead subject to environmental approvals.

Those most likely to favour assessment of each proposal were LNP voters (58%) and Queenslanders (54%).

Those most likely to favour banning expansion of coal mines were Greens voters (46%) and other voters (30%).
