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Party Best at

17 May 2010

Q. Which party do you think would be best at handling the Australian economy in the interests of you and people like you?

  Total Vote Labor Vote Liberal/ National
Labor Party 33% 81% 2%
Liberal Party 36% 2% 86%
No difference 20% 13% 9%
Don’t know 17% 4% 3%

 Respondents were split over party best to handle the economy (in the interests of you and people like you) – 33% nominated the Labor Party and 36% the Liberal Party. Opinion closely follows party preferences. 81% of Labor voters nominated Labor and 86% of Coalition voters nominated the Liberal party. 43% of Greens voters said there was no difference – 34% said Labor and 10% Liberal.

Respondents aged under 35 favoured Labor 31%/28% and those aged 55+ favoured the Liberals 44%/36%.
