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Pauline Hanson

29 Aug 2017

Q. Last week Pauline Hanson wore a burka into Parliament to draw attention to her view that wearing burkas should be banned in Australia. Do you approve or disapprove of her actions in wearing the burka into Parliament?

  Total   Vote Labor Vote Lib/Nat Vote Greens Vote other
Total approve 39%   31% 46% 13% 67%
Total disapprove 38%   51% 32% 63% 16%
Strongly approve 21%   15% 20% 10% 47%
Approve 18%   16% 26% 3% 20%
Neither approve nor disapprove 16%   13% 19% 19% 14%
Disapprove 10%   11% 10% 8% 6%
Strongly disapprove 28%   40% 22% 55% 10%
Didn’t know about it 2%   2% 1% 1%
Don’t know 5%   3% 2% 4% 4%


39% approved of Pauline Hanson wearing a burka into Parliament and 38% disapproved. A majority of Labor (51%) and Greens voters (63%) disapproved. 67% of other party voters approved while Liberal/National voters were more likely to approve (46%) than disapprove (32%).

50% of those aged 65+ approved.
