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Statements about the Government

11 Sep 2018

Q. Do you agree or disagree with the following statements?

  Total agree Total disagree   Strongly agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree Don’t know
I have lost trust in this government to function effectively and govern the country. Australia needs a new government. 63% 24%   34% 29% 16% 8% 13%
The new Prime Minister was not elected by the people and has no legitimacy. He needs to go to an election as soon as possible. 60% 27%   31% 29% 17% 10% 13%
Under Scott Morrison the Government will continue to put the interests of big business ahead of the interests of the broader community. 57% 23%   24% 33% 16% 7% 20%
The Government has no long-term plan for Australia’s future 59% 27%   27% 32% 20% 7% 14%
Tony Abbott and his conservative supporters are really running the country now 34% 41%   10% 24% 27% 14% 25%
I’m sick of the major parties changing their leaders. I would consider voting for a third party to send a message to them both. 67% 20%   35% 32% 14% 6% 13%
Labor is the alternative government and I want to hear from them what their policies are – not what is wrong with the Liberal Party 68% 20%   29% 39% 10% 10% 12%





A majority agreed with all statements except for “Tony Abbott and his conservative supporters are really running the country now” (34% agree).

There was highest agreement with the statements “Labor is the alternative government and I want to hear from them what their policies are – not what is wrong with the Liberal Party” (68% agree) and “I’m sick of the major parties changing their leaders. I would consider voting for a third party to send a message to them both” (67% agree).
