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  • Apr, 2010

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    Federal Health Agreement

    Q4. Do you approve or disapprove of the agreement over health funding between the Federal Government and the State Governments?

    Total approve 48%
    Total disapprove 25%
    Strongly approve 13%
    Approve 35%
    Disapprove 16%
    Strongly disapprove 9%
    Don’t know 27%

    48% of respondents approved of the agreement over health funding between the Federal Government and the State Governments and 25% disapproved. 71% of Labor voters approved and 7% disapproved. Liberal/National voters split 36% approve/46% disapprove.

    Respondents from NSW and Queensland were more likely to approve than respondents from Victoria – NSW 50% approve/22% disapprove, Queensland 48%/20%, Victoria 45%/28%. Comments »

  • Apr, 2010

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    Effect of Health Agreement on Health Services

    Q5. From what you have heard, do you think that as a result of this agreement, health services in your state will get better or worse?

    Total better 43%
    Total worse 15%
    Get a lot better 10%
    Get a little better 34%
    Get a little worse 6%
    Get a lot worse 9%
    Stay much the same 25%
    Don’t know 17%

    43% think that as a result of this agreement, health services in their state will get better – 15% think they will get worse and 25% think they will stay much the same. 65% of Labor voters think health services will get better and 6% worse. Liberal/National voters split 28% better/24% worse/40% stay the same.

    There were no significant differences between the states in terms of whether health services will get better or worse. Comments »

  • Apr, 2010

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    Federal takeover of hospitals and health services

     Q. Do you think the State Governments should or should not agree to the Federal Government’s health plan to take control of funding hospitals and health services?

      Total Vote Labor Vote Liberal/National Vote Greens
    Should agree to health plan 56% 73% 40% 65%
    Should not agree to health plan 26% 11% 45% 21%
    Don’t know 18% 16% 15% 14%

     A majority (56%) think the State Governments should agree to the Federal Government’s health plan to take control of funding hospitals and health services – 26% think they should not agree.

     States most likely to agree are South Australia (75%) and Queensland (64%). 55% of NSW respondents agree and 45% of Victorians agree (32% of Victorians disagree). Comments »

  • Mar, 2010

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    Federal takeover of hospitals and health services

    Q. Do you support or oppose the Federal Government’s plan to take over the responsibility for funding hospitals and health services from the State Governments?

    Total support 58%
    Total oppose 12%
    Strongly support 25%
    Support            33%
    Neither support nor oppose 21%
    Oppose            7%
    Strongly oppose          5%
    Don’t know 9%

    Over half (58%) of those surveyed support the Federal Government’s plan to take over the responsibility for funding hospitals and health services from the State Governments, 12% oppose, 21% neither support nor oppose and 9% don’t know.

    79% of Labor voters, 46% of Coalition voters and 55% of Green voters support a Federal takeover for funding of hospitals and health services from the State Governments.  27% of Coalition voters neither support nor oppose the plan and 22% oppose it. 

    Males were more likely than females to support the plan (61% v 56%). 

    Support for a Federal takeover was highest amongst 55 – 64 year olds (67%). 

    People in NSW were more likely than those in other states to support a Federal takeover (64%). 55% of people in Queensland and 52% in Victoria support the plan. 

    In February this year we asked the Australian public whether they support or oppose a Federal takeover of hospitals. We found that 58% supported a Federal takeover, 10% opposed it, 19% neither supported nor opposed and 13% didn’t know.  Comments »

  • Feb, 2010

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    Federal takeover of hospitals from the State Government

    Q. Would you support or oppose the Federal Government taking over the responsibility for hospitals from the State Governments?

    Total support 58%
    Total oppose   10%
    Strongly support 26%
    Support 32%
    Neither support nor oppose 19%
    Oppose 7%
    Strongly oppose 3%
    Don’t know 13%

     Over half (58%) of those surveyed support the Federal Government taking over responsibility for hospitals from the State Governments, 10% disapprove, 19% neither support nor oppose and 13% don’t know. 

     People aged 55 years and over were more likely that those in other age groups to support a Federal Government takeover of hospitals (79%).

     People in NSW were more likely than those in any other states to support a hospitals takeover (67%), while people in Western Australia (18%) and South Australia (17%) were more likely to oppose such a move. 

     Males were more likely than females to support a hospital takeover by the Federal Government (65% v 52%). 

     Support for a Federal Government takeover of hospitals from the State Government was highest amongst Labor voters (70%), followed by Coalition voters (63%) and then Green voters (54%). Comments »
