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What people have for dinner

21 Mar 2017

Q. Thinking about what you had for dinner over the past week, please indicate the number of nights that each of the following applies to your dinners.

  None 1-2 nights 3-5 nights 6-7 nights
Home cooked or prepared by me 15% 26% 34% 25%
Home cooked or prepared by someone else 40% 24% 23% 13%
Bought pre-prepared meal that didn’t need any home preparation. 67% 28% 4% 1%
Leftovers from a previous meal 39% 51% 8% 1%
Takeaway 55% 40% 4% 1%
Ate at a restaurant or cafe 63% 33% 3% 1%
Did not eat dinner 82% 14% 3% 2%