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Increasing GST with income tax reductions

28 Jul 2015

Q. Would you support or oppose increasing the GST if income taxes were reduced at the same time?

  Total   Vote Labor Vote Lib/Nat Vote Greens Vote Other
Total support 38% 30% 52% 32% 39%
Total oppose 42% 52% 33% 57% 43%
Strongly support 10% 7% 17% 5% 6%
Support 28% 23% 35% 27% 33%
Oppose 23% 26% 21% 23% 25%
Strongly oppose 19% 26% 12% 24% 18%
Don’t know 20% 18% 15% 20% 18%

38% support increasing the GST if income taxes were reduced at the same time and 42% oppose.

A majority (52%) of Liberal/National voters support increasing GST and a majority of Labor (52%) and Greens voters (57%) oppose.

For those on higher incomes ($1,600+ pw), 50% support and 32% oppose.
