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  • Oct, 2011

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    Support for “Occupy” Protests

    Q. There have recently been protests held in some Australian cities – similar to the “Occupy Wall Street” protests in USA – against “corporate greed” and the power of major banks and multinational corporations. Which best describes your opinion of these protests?

    Total Vote Labor Vote Lib/Nat Vote Greens
    Agree with their concerns and support the protests 29% 36% 18% 59%
    Agree with their concerns but don’t support the protests 40% 37% 48% 27%
    Don’t agree with their concerns 13% 10% 19% 5%
    Don’t know 18% 18% 15% 8%

    69% say they agree with the concerns of the “occupy” protests – made up of 29% who support the protests and 40% who don’t support the protests. Only 13% say they don’t agree with their concerns.

    A majority (59%) of Greens voters support the protests compared to only 18% of Liberal/National voters  – although only 19% of Liberal/National voters disagree with their concerns. Labor voters are split over support for the protests – 36% support them and 37% agree with their concerns but don’t support the protests.

    Support for the concerns of the protests is strongest among older respondents (aged 55+), 28% support the protests and a further 48% agree with their concerns.

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  • Oct, 2011

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    Support for Removal of “Occupy” Protesters

    Q. Do you support the removal of protesters by police in Melbourne and Sydney or should they be allowed to continue their protests?

    Total Vote Labor Vote Lib/Nat Vote Greens
    Support their removal 42% 34% 57% 16%
    Should be allowed to continue 41% 51% 26% 76%
    Don’t know 17% 15% 17% 8%

    Although only 29% support the protests, respondents were divided over the removal of the protesters in Melbourne and Sydney. 42% support their removal and 41% think they should have been allowed to continue.

    While 57% of Liberal/National voters supported the removal, 51% of Labor voters and 76% of Greens voters think they should have been allowed to continue.

    Younger respondents (aged 18-34) were more likely to think they should be allowed to continue (45% to 35%), and those aged 55+ favoured removal 51% to 37%.

    48% of those on incomes under $1,000 pw think they should be allowed to continue while 47% of those on incomes over $1,000 pw support their removal.

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