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Tony Abbott’s Support for Rallies

29 Aug 2011

Q. Do you approve or disapprove of Tony Abbott giving his support to these rallies?

Total Vote Labor Vote Lib/Nat Vote Greens
Total approve 38% 14% 68% 8%
Total disapprove 36% 65% 9% 75%
Strongly approve 18% 3% 37% 1%
Approve 20% 11% 31% 7%
Disapprove 15% 25% 8% 14%
Strongly disapprove 21% 40% 1% 61%
No opinion 26% 21% 22% 18%

38% approve and 36% disapprove of Tony Abbott giving his support to the Canberra rallies. Views are closely associated with voting intention.

Groups most likely to approve were aged 65+ (54%) and full-time workers (45%).
